los mejores discos del 2010 según tomandolista

estos son los 10 mejores discos del 2010 según tomandolista

1 - "Entren los que quieran" - Calle 13
2 - "Contra" - Vampire Weekend
3 - "The Suburbs" - Arcade Fire
4 - "Write About Love" - Belle & Sebastian
5 - "Plastic Beach" - Gorillaz
6 - "Ruiseñor" - Andrés Ruiz
7 - "Play al viejo walkman" - Valentín y los volcanes
8 - "Congratulations" - MGMT
9 - "Pez" - Pez
10 - "Teen Dream" - Beach House

(sin orden alguno)

"Olympia" - Bryan Ferry
"Volume two" - She and him
"Minotaur" - The Clientele
"Before today" - Ariel Pink’s Haunted Graffiti
"Small Craft on a Milk Sea" - Brian Eno
"Beat the devil´s tatoo" - Black Rebel Motorcycle Club
"Sleep Forever" - Crocodiles
"This Is Happening" - LCD Soundsystem
"The Social Network" - Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross
"Sea of Cowards" - The Dead Weather
"Mondo Cane" - Mike Patton
"Brothers" - The Black Keys
"Grinderman 2" - Grinderman
"The Glass Box" - Elephant Stone
"Le Noise" - Neil Young