" Little girl sleeping in dreams of peace
Mommy been gone a long time
Daddy comes home and she still sleeps
Waiting for the world worst crime
And he comes up the stairs like he always does
And he never turns on the light
And she's wide awake, scared to death
She smells his lust and she smells his sweat
Curled in a ball she holds her breath
Praying to a God that she's never met
Don't let Daddy kiss me, don't let Daddy kiss me
Goodnight "
Mommy been gone a long time
Daddy comes home and she still sleeps
Waiting for the world worst crime
And he comes up the stairs like he always does
And he never turns on the light
And she's wide awake, scared to death
She smells his lust and she smells his sweat
Curled in a ball she holds her breath
Praying to a God that she's never met
Don't let Daddy kiss me, don't let Daddy kiss me
Goodnight "
imagen extraída de http://www.flickr.com/
texto extraido de la canción "Don't Let Daddy Kiss Me", de Mothorhead